Mardoe is the strangest word in the mirdan-philosophy (and that is saying something).
Mardoe is the word without meaning.
You can think about this for a while, but it is possible to have a word without meaning. We, humans, are able to do that.
At first it appears as if mardoe is not stable, it automatically gets a meaning after a while. The vacuum of mardoe wants to be filled. That is not a problem. When a useful meaning appears, just give it another name. It has become another word and mardoe will appear again with the next attempt to stay meaningless.
After a while you will be able to keep mardoe without meaning. But then the name will start fading. This is also possible, it leaves us with no word at all. The space taken by mardoe then becomes empty. No meaning and no name. Nothingness, mardoe is gone. Only to return again.
Some time after this, mardoe will remain (reasonably) stable. It has found a place amongst the other words and remains the strange word it is, with only a name but no meaning.
Although, once in a while, it will pick up a meaning again. But you can repeat the action to give that meaning another name and mardoe will reappear. Also it can disappear again shortly. Mardoe keeps being a dynamic word.
It looks like a game, a joke, something children would do. To create a word without meaning. And in certain ways it is. But both childsplay and the word mardoe, show our creativity in making words and in letting them vanish again.
To make mardoe disappear, we only need to remove its name, or let the name fade away. This will leave an empty space. If you do this with other words and allow the name to disappear, the meaning will remain in our consciousness for some time but will then dissipate into the infinite until there is nothing left.
Mardoe is an intermediate form between no words at all (a variant of emptiness) and all the other words. It symbolizes our ability to name anything and to give meaning to it. And to make words disappear.
If you allow all the the words to disappear you enter a state which I call: “wordless nature being” Just as humane as usual, but without words. You walk down the street or in nature and experience your body, you experience what you see, you can smell and hear it, but without words. Which is great but not convenient if you want to interact with other humans. As this is something we do mostly with words.
But then you allow the words to return. Maybe some words come back with a slightly different meaning then previously, or maybe some have a different name this time. This shows how mardoe symbolises the ability for words to change, to be dynamic.
Would we be able to create an entirely new language? Allowing all the words to disappear into the void and then allow the words to return completely differently. I think we can. So many people use jargon. When you use jargon only your colleagues will know what your words mean. This is a mild example of what I mean.
If you were to create a completely new language, you will be left quite alone. Nobody, not even your colleague will know what you mean. Hence we don't do that easily. But maybe we can do it together. Simply as a game, like mardoe is a game.
Mardoe resembles the number zero in a way. Zero has had a significant impact on mathematics. Without the number zero, there are no negative numbers, no integral arithmetic. Many elements of mathematics have emerged because we started to experiment, to play with the number zero.
Sneakily I suspect that mardoe can have the same effect, but then for language and words. What will we discover if we add a word without meaning to our vocabulary?
(Picture: User:Alain r, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons)